What to Pack for Your Wedding Day?

The "Don't Leave Home Without" List 

We will start with the MUST-HAVES, the things that will make this wedding official: 

  • Marriage certificate

  • Copy of wedding vows 

  • Wedding rings 

If you only pack one thing in this entire blog post make sure it’s your Marriage Certificate! Each state and even county at times have their own rules regarding requesting and submitting your marriage certificate. Be sure to know this information with enough time and know exactly what steps you have to take after the ceremony. As we explained in our last blog have your vows WRITTEN and ready to go so you are not running around the day of. And finally, make sure your Maid of Honor and Best Man has your wedding rings for the ceremony.  

The Bride's List 

There are tons of extensive lists on Pinterest on what to pack. But here is a list of essentials: 

  • Dress 

  • Getting ready robe 

  • Undergarments 

  • Garter 

  • Ceremony shoes

  •  Veil Hair accessories 

  • Backup dancing shoes 

  • Deodorant

  • Perfume

This list seems simple and most would argue these things are obvious. However, you would be surprised how many brides forget one or more of these things. As mentioned before, this is a list of ESSENTIALS. If you have these things you’ll have what you need.

CMB Tip: Don't overcomplicate packing! Pack as you would normally get ready - in the same order. 

The Fun List 

One thing we have continued to highlight in our blogs is to make sure you enjoy the moments surrounding your wedding. And the same goes for the wedding day! Below are a few items you might want to include to set the tone of a good time: 

  • Champagne 

  • Snacks 

  • Awesome playlist 

  • Gifts and cards (bridesmaid/parents/ spouse) 

From the moment you wake up on your wedding day make sure your environment is what you want it to be. Create an awesome playlist ahead of time for your favorite songs! Include songs that have special meaning to you and your future spouse, you and your bridesmaids, and even you and your family members. And in the spirit of having a good time, make sure to pack some champagne to enjoy with your bridal party! 

The exchange of gifts and cards throughout the day to your Bridal party and family members can be a great opportunity to thank them for all they have contributed to making your wedding day great! These gifts and cards do not need to be anything over the top or expensive. It is just a simple token of your appreciation. 

CMB Tip: Your champagne toast can be a great moment for the photographer to capture.  

The Photography List 

Speaking of photographers, there are a few things you can ensure you pack to elevate your pictures: 

  • Pretty Ring Box 

  • Full invitation suite 

  • Family Heirloom 

  • Something blue, borrowed, old, & new 

  • Dress Hanger 


This a picture of our wedding day setup for the photographer. We ensured to have all these things in one place to make it easier for them to capture everything important. The things on this list can elevate your pictures and ensure you do forget to capture those personalized touches. 

CMB Tip: Let your photographer know ahead of time of any specific items or locations you want to be captured on your wedding day. 

The Emergency Kit List 

Every bride should have an Emergency Kit! It is better to be prepared than running around trying to find solutions to emergencies on your wedding day. Below we include a list of items you can include in your emergency kit: 
  • Chapstick and/or lipgloss 

  • Tide To-Go stick

  • Makeup remover wipes 

  • Phone charger 

  • Band-aids 

  • Pain killers 

  • Safety pins 

  • Mini sewing kit 

  • Extra Bobby pins 

  • Mints Nail polish that matches your mani-pedi 

  • Travel hairspray 

  • Oil blotting sheets 

  • Mirror 

  • Extra pair of contacts 

You can either create an emergency kit or purchase one online. You can find pre-made kits on Amazon. For more personalized lots check out Etsy! Either way, you want to make sure you have these items in a small bag your maid of honor can carry around during the day. Why do we suggest a small bag? Remember this kit should travel with you throughout the day. That includes pictures before the ceremony, at the ceremony, and the reception. Having a bulky bag will make it burdensome to carry. 

If you find this blog helpful and enjoy having list to check off don't forget to check out our free Wedding Planning Checklist!

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